Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Book review - Every Last Word

Title: Every Lasat Word
Author: Tamara Ireland Stone
Genre: realistic fiction
Similar books: Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen
                     Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets by Evan Roskos
excellently written

Summary: Samantha McAllister seems to have it all. One of the popular girls, she has the look and dates the right boys. She also has a big secret. Sam has Purely Obsessional OCD and her mind is overrun with dark thoughts, concerns, and an overwhelming need to know things about people. Hiding her OCD makes her life a careful balancing act. Then she meets Caroline, a girl who won't fit in with her other friends but whom Sam doesn't want to give up. Caroline introduces Sam to Poet's Corner. It is among the misfits of Poet's Corner that Sam discovers a new side of herself - a side that she must might prefer.

My opinion: The most important thing to talk about with this book is Sam's portrayal. Yes, she has OCD but it doesn't solely define her. She's a popular girl wit ha secret. A solid student. A swimmer. A poet. Uncertain about her friendships. While OCD plays a role in a lot of those things, it doesn't completely control the plot. The point of her journey is discovering what is best for her, rather than what her friends approve of. Plot wise, this novel is solid. There is a twist so deftly written that I didn't begin to suspect it until the beginning of that chapter. While I might have liked to have seen a little more development of some of the secondary characters, I found this to be an amazing read which I can't wait to recommend to teen patrons.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley.

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