Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Book review - Falling Short


Title: Falling Short

Author: Ernesto Cisneros

Genre: realistic fiction

Similar books: The Great Wall of Lucy Wu by Wendy Wan-Long Shang

                      Athlete Vs Mathlete by W.C. Mack


pleasant, if a bit predictable

Summary (provided by publisher): Isaac and Marco already know sixth grade is going to change their lives. But it won’t change things at home—not without each other’s help.
This year, star basketball player Isaac plans on finally keeping up with his schoolwork. Better grades will surely stop Isaac’s parents from arguing all the time. Meanwhile, straight-A Marco vows on finally winning his father’s approval by earning a spot on the school’s basketball team.
But will their friendship and support for each other be enough to keep the two boys from falling short?

My opinion: I can appreciate what Cisneros is trying to accomplish here. W have to very different boys trying to find their place in middle school and in their families. Both have complex relationships with their fathers though for vastly different reasons. We have characters coming up against traditional masculinity and it's tendency towards toxicity. They also see different kinds of bullying. Solid choices there. The plot is a bit idealized, though. There is some complexity with the fathers worth reading and considering.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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