Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Book review - Prom Babies


Title: Prom Babies

Author: Kekla Magoon

Genre: realistic fiction

Similar books: Belly Up by Eva Darrows

                     What They Don't Know by Nicole Maggi


a nice assortment of perspectives

Summary (provided by publisher): Mina, Penny, and Sheryl have the typical expectations of prom night in 2005: dresses, dancing, and of course some coming of age moments. None of them plans to get pregnant, but when all three do, they band together as they face decisions that have the power to shape the rest of their lives.
In 2024, their three children--Blossom, Amber, and Cole--are high school seniors, gearing up to go to prom and facing some big decisions of their own. As they seek to understand who they are and who they want to be, they grapple with issues that range from consent to virginity, gendered dress codes, and the many patriarchal, heteronormative expectations that still come along with prom.
A generation later, will this prom night change lives too?

My opinion: If there is an aspect of the teen experience that is inexorably tied up in sex and gender issues, it's prom. And if there is an issue of sex and gender, it is addressed in this book. With such a grand scope, of course, no single issue gets addressed in any serious depth. Characters are similarly limited in depth and development. The messaging is rather bluntly conveyed. What it lacks in subtlety, though, it makes up for in it's honest conversation. While this book isn't likely to be a favorite, it is a great starting point for discussion.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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