Monday, August 26, 2024

Weeping angel redux

 Early in this blog's history I posted about a Weeping Angel I'd made from a Barbie doll. It was a bit of decor that I loved but had to give away when I moved. I've wanted to make another one since but never found a Barbie. Then I came across this in a box of junk my dad brought home.

While I've never understood the desire to have a fancy dressed doll in your bathroom hiding a roll of tp or an air freshener, I did see her potential on the Weeping Angel front. After a little razor knife and hot glue surgery, a new hair style, cardboard wings, and a fabric scrap dress, all she needed was some paint to make her a Doctor Who monster.

1 comment:

  1. I think you have to be a certain age to want a toilet paper doll. There were also doll cakes, back in the day, by which I was enthralled. I also had a purse that was a doll; there was a zipper up the back of her long skirt, and I kept my hankie there for church. If I ever learn to crochet, I would make a toilet paper cover and also one for the toaster, but maybe flowers instead of a doll. It was something... decorative but also useful? Not sure how I feel about the weeping angel. A little scary!
