Thursday, July 18, 2024

Book review - Riot Act


Title: Riot Act

Author: Sarah Lariviere

Genre: dystopia

Similar books: The Chaperone by M Hendrix

                      The Future Will Be BS Free by Will McIntosh


believable and compelling

Summary (provided by publisher): In an alternate 1991, the authoritarian US government keeps tabs on everybody and everything. It censors which books can be read, what music can be listened to, and which plays can be performed.

When her best friend is killed by the authorities and her theater teacher disappears without a trace, Gigi decides to organize her fellow Champaign High School thespians to put on a production of Henry VI. But at what cost?

My opinion: Dystopian novels tend to focus all of their attention on action and high drama which makes for quick reads often lacking in depth. That is not the case here. The drama plays out in small ways, focusing more on characters and relationships than on larger societal issues. The problems of the culture certainly play into the plot but the focus is more on the people and what motivates them. The book is narrated by the dead friend referenced in the summary and his self-reflection can produce a sense of distance from the plot but overall it's an interesting read and worth reflecting upon.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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