Monday, May 8, 2023

Thank goodness for toothbrushes

 This winter I learned the ancient art of nalbinding after I was gifted a book and needle for Christmas. After I finished my little basket, I set aside my needle until I could find some wool yarn for my next project. 

A couple of weeks ago I was gifted the perfect yarn and wouldn't you know, I can't find the needle. I'm quite certain I put it somewhere "safe". Too safe, I guess, because I'm going to have to move everything to find it. 

I was resigned to setting aside the yarn for months when I remembered a stash of used bamboo handled toothbrushes. I'd figured I would use them for spatter painting or detailed scrubbing but I was struck by the resemblance to my nalbinding needle.

Obviously, the toothbrush is much thicker but after I cut off the brush head it only took a couple of evenings shaving it down with my pocket knife to get the right general shape. Then I drilled in the eye and sanded the whole thing down. After letting the glue dry (it cracked when I drilled it) I have a workable needle.

I actually kind of like the contour

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