Thursday, September 15, 2022

Listen with me


Don't Let in the Cold by Keely Parrack

Similar books - I don't usually do this with audio books but the whole time I was listening I was reminded of these two books:

I am Still Alive by Kate Alice Marshall - A tale of a girl surviving the Canadian wilderness alone with her dog after a violent attack

Snow Bound by Harry Mazer - A story of cold weather survival that I read in my early teen years that had belonged to my mother at a similar age

As I suspected, this book is action focused. There is a constant threat of danger from some menacing strangers compounded by the perils of nature and extreme weather. At every turn the characters make a bad decision, ignore warning signs, and are subject to just plain bad luck. Towards the end the string of bad luck takes some increasingly hard to believe turns but the pacing is tight enough and the tension constant so we are compelled to see it through. There is an underlying emotional arc that pays off in a satisfying way but doesn't convey true depth. It's entertaining but not something you're going to be reflecting on later. 

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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