Thursday, May 7, 2020

Listen with me

Jackaby by William Ritter

When I initially read this book a couple of years ago I was utterly charmed. Charmed enough, in fact, that I was a little hesitant to listen to this audio. There's that fear that it won't live up to memory. I needn't have worried about this one. It holds up well. Ritter has taken a standard historical mystery and threaded it through with elements of magic and folk tales. Jackaby is a combination of Sherlock Holmes and the Doctor, a quirky and mysterious figure who sees what others cannot and often acts in ways people don't understand. He is paired with Abigail Rook, a regular young woman chaffing agains the standards of society, sick of being seen as less because of her gender and looking for adventure. There's also a ghost. And a duck who used to be human. As you might guess, there's a touch of humor in what might otherwise be a dark murder mystery.

Nicola Barber gives life to the character of Abigail Rook, who serves as our narrator. Her British accent is soothing but she lends an air of urgency and excitement. She reads in a dynamic way that keeps us engaged with the text.

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