
Monday, March 16, 2020

Listen with me

I had some concerns going into Mortal Engines, primarily regarding genre. I was concerned that it would be hard to follow or maddeningly complex. Those concerns were quickly dismissed by the characters that fill this universe. While the plot wasn't especially innovative, I was blown away by these characters. There are no simple villains or heroes. The villains all have complex motivations and prove to have redeeming values. The heroes realize that they aren't always right, that even "good guys" can find themselves making decisions that hurt other people. I'm especially admiring of Hester. Seldom do we see female characters with heavy scars, driven solely by revenge. These are elements given almost exclusively to male characters.

As far as narration is concerned, Barnaby Edwards does distinct voices for major characters and lends emotional emphasis to the lines. He successfully blends into the story, so it becomes entirely about the plot and not at all about his voice.

If you have any fondness for sci-fi, especially books with a dystopian vibe, give this one a listen.

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