Thursday, November 21, 2019

Graphic Novel Spotlight - Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys

The Mystery of the Missing Adults by Scott Bryan Wilson

Wilson has taken the elements familiar to anyone who's read the original Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys books, these essential parts of the formula and laid them out in a blatant, obvious, humorous way. Nancy Drew must go under cover. Frank and Joe must stumble into dangerous situations, one of them getting captured. And Watson wants us to laugh at that situation. He's also taken pains to make some elements more realistic. These are teenagers, not mini adults. So they do some genuinely foolish things. They live on candy. They drive a bus. They bicker and fight non stop. At heart, though, this is a comedy. The entire scenario is ridiculous, a mild sci-fi plot with more jokes than danger. It boarders on satire and might serve as a good way to to introduce young readers to that concept.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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