Thursday, August 29, 2019

Graphic Novel Spotlight - Witchy

Witchy by Ariel Slamet Ries

Explorations of magic aren't unusual in fiction, both traditional and graphic novels. Ries has taken a fascinating approach with this story, tying the characters' magic to their hair.  The length of their hair is a representation fo the strength of their magic as well as their respect for the spirits that provide their magic. Magic doesn't have rules, per se, but does have a direct tie to another aspect of the world. They don't fully understand their magic because they don't understand the spirit world. It's a complex mythology but Ries does not shy away from explanations and explorations. The progression of the plot only adds to the complexity of the world. The art is charming, cartoony and unafraid to take risks.

More information: Witchy releases September 17.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley.

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