
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Guest review - Slated

My friend Elizabeth Murphy joins us again for a guest review. This book I've read myself and thoroughly enjoyed so I was excited to see what Elizabeth thought.

Title: Slated
Author: Teri Terry
Genre: youth fiction
Similar books: The Program by Suzanne Young
                     Uglies by Scott Westerfield

Summary: Some time in the future. Teenagers are controlled by having their memories erased (being "slated") if they do something wrong or commit a crime. They have to relearn everything and are given a new family. They are trained to "control" their emotions and are monitored with a wrist device. Getting angry or violent can mean death. But, Kyla starts to feel anger and remembers things from the past, and sometimes in her dreams. Unsure of what is real or not, she and her boyfriend (also "slated") begin to question the systems and those who are controlling them.
Your opinion: The plot is completely believable and I can see it happening in the future. No more teen "gangs" or teen "crime." Kids are not allowed cell phones and their computer usage is monitored. All this is enforced by "Lorders" who look down on anyone under the age of 20. If you "misbehave" you are taken by the Lorders and "slated", your memories wiped and you get to start over. However, what happens if it doesn't work? What happens if the technology fails? Very readable, moves right along, and I can't wait to read the next book.

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