
Monday, July 28, 2014

A crafty trio

I had intended to make some big, grand craft project Saturday. Then we had absolutely gorgeous weather all day and I spent 20 minutes watching a seal in the river (and perhaps an hour waiting for the seal to show again so I could try to get a picture). So instead I have three smaller craft projects.

1. Duct tape sling with hidden wallet (original design found in Stick It! by T.L. Bonaddio)
If you look closely, you can see the duct tape says "I heart bacon". Ironically, I don't actually eat bacon though I do find it funny to put on a wallet.
This sling should come in handy when I'm out walking with my camera and don't want to mess with a purse or a bulky wallet stuffed into my pocket. Also, I think I can clip my water bottle onto the buckle.

2. Monster plushie
The first of what is likely to be several designs
This little monster is the prototype for a giveaway at my upcoming Monster Tea Party storytime (more details on this in a couple of weeks). He's made of t-shirt scraps with fabric paint features.

3. Zita peg doll
You can't see it in this picture but she has her green cape on her back
As I mentioned on Wednesday, I've been spending part of my weekend rereading the Zita the Spacegirl books and I was inspired to make this little peg doll. She now holds a place of honor on my desk.
Right there in front of Captain Hammer, between Dr. Horrible and Gerkin the gentleman-gnome

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