
Monday, August 5, 2024

Listen with me


A Game Most Foul by Alison Gervais

At the outset this is a pretty standard teen mystery. A girl on her own for the summer, studying abroad, who gets caught up in the disappearance of a classmate. But that basic format quickly twists in odd directions as the characters learn that their professor isn't simply named Dr. John Watson - he is the Dr. Watson. As Jules and her friends uncover the truth, we get some solid character development and setting descriptions. The clues for the mystery are integrated naturally into the plot, if a bit heavy-handed. The ultimate reveal, though it makes sense in the world of the book, is oddly unsatisfying and leaves too many questions unanswered. There is no strong emotional release and the tension simply falls apart. In the end, I found it a bit disappointing.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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