Thursday, June 27, 2024

Book review - Frankie D, Vegan Vampire


Title: Frankie D, Vegan Vampire

Authors: Sally and Brian Dutra

Genre: humor

Similar books: Maggie Sparks and the Alien Invasion by Esther Hernando

                     The Secret of Shadow Lake by Joe McGee


cute and clever

Summary (provided by publisher): A new early chapter book series starring a lovable vampire who's just trying to fit in. Frankie D and his family have just moved from Transylvania, looking for a fresh start. Where Frankie is from, the school day began at midnight and ended at dawn. Now in America, Frankie and his family must adjust their sleep schedule, train to be out in the sun, and strictly adhere to a vegan, zero-blood diet. Not only that, Frankie has to navigate school as the “new kid” and keep his vampire identity secret from other humans. A tall order for a deathly pale, fanged fourth-grader with a three-legged wolf as a pet!

My opinion: How do you make vampires appropriate for young readers not looking for a scare? You make them vegans. The result is less of a monster story and more of a tale about learning to fit in when you're in a new place. There are some added elements as Frankie and his family have supernatural abilities and need to keep their vampiric nature a secret, but over all it's a story of a kid trying to make friends and be "normal". Without much drama and danger, it's accessible for even young readers.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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