
Monday, April 29, 2024

Book review - Dark Parts of the Universe


Title: Dark Parts of the Universe

Author: Samuel Miller

Genre: mystery

Similar books: We Don't Swim Here by Vincent Tirado

                      The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D Jackson



Summary (provided by publisher): In Calico Springs, Willie’s life has been defined by two powerful forces: God and the river. The “miracle boy” died for five minutes as a young child, and ever since, Willie is certain he survived for a reason, but that purpose didn’t become clear until he found the Game.
The Game is called Manifest Atlas, and the concept is simple: enter an intention and the Game provides a target—a blinking blue dot on the map. Willie’s second time playing Manifest Atlas, his intention takes him to an ominous target: three empty graves. Willie is sure the Game is telling him he’s going to die.
Willie’s older brother, Bones, doesn’t believe him, but their friends are intrigued. Sarai, a girl from across the river, sets the next intention: something bloody. The group follows the Game’s coordinates and they discover something even more unsettling than the graves: a dead body. Sarai’s stepfather’s body. The Game is suddenly personal.
Willie is dedicated to proving the Game works while Sarai is set on finding out what happened to her stepdad. Bones just wants to enjoy his last summer before real life begins. As the group digs deeper into Manifest Atlas, stranger and wilder things begin to appear, unlocking a much deeper mystery running like an undercurrent through the small town.

My opinion: I think I was at least halfway through this book before it was clear to me whether or not something supernatural was going on. I was guessing about reality and what was going on through the lion's share of it. I wasn't always sure that I liked it, but I was constantly guessing, and that was enough to keep me reading. It helps that the characters are strong. Most characters we meet are complex characters with motivations that we don't fully understand. The ultimate resolution of the plot was not what I expected but made sense in the context of the plot.

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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