
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Listen with me


The Quantum Weirdness of the Almost-Kiss by Amy Noelle Parks

I love that the math/science elements of this book are more than just a gimmick. It's not just that it is set at an academy or that Evie is "really into math". It's a vital part of the plot. It forms the lens through which Evie views the world. Also, there are some frank discussions about privilege and prejudice. How much harder it will be for Evie to get taken seriously because she's a girl. How she has to consider things that Caleb never even thinks about. And yet, her own place of privilege based on her private school education and whiteness. And I liked the view of relationships. Sure, we all know from the start that Evie and Caleb will end up together. But that doesn't invalidate their other relationships. They can like different people in different ways.

There were elements I didn't like as well, most of them involving Bex. To be clear, I liked the character. I like the way she supports and challenges the main characters. She presents her own concerns and biases. But she's also largely there to prompt discussions about religion and femininity. The religious discussions are fairly elementary, not what we would expect of advanced students. I do appreciate that Bex is both a woman of science and a religious person, a combination generally not present in books. But her conversations about beauty and femininity bothered me. She won't let Evie wear bland clothes when presenting. She has to look "amazing", like she has some obligation to natural beauty, like she has an obligation to play up her feminine characteristics.

Overall, I feel like the positives outweigh the negatives but I also would want to discuss them with teen readers, to encourage them to read those scenes critically and consider the messages they convey. 

Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley

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