
Monday, August 13, 2018

There's no way to make this sound less weird

I was trying to describe this project to someone and realized that everything I said just made it sound stranger. So, I'm just going to tell it plainly.

I bought a little doll at the dollar store, intending only to attach it's head to a wrestler action figure, because what would be funnier than a muscle bound wrestler with a little girl's head?

Once I pulled her head off, though, I began to recognize the possibility in the doll's body and actually abandoned the wrestler project for the moment. 
She had jointed arms but her hips were just a molded part of her body. So I cut them off with an Exacto knife and created a joint out of some scrap plastic, a piece of wire, and a lot of hot glue. (No photos of that process as it took a great deal of trial and error and was incredibly frustrating). I had some fluffy, animal themed pencil toppers tucked away in a box that happened to fit perfectly on the doll's neck. Her dress was plastic and fairly transparent, so a whipped up a new one out of a rag.

She even has a tail!
The few people I've showed the end product to mostly give me weird looks, but I'm fond of her. So far, she mostly hangs out on a finger skateboard, though she did briefly ride an robot shark.

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