Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Book review - The Seventh Most Important Thing

Title: The Seventh Most Important Thing
Author: Shelley Pearsall
Genre: historical fiction
Similar books: Framed by Frank Cottrell Boyce
                     What I Came to Tell You by Tommy Hays
nice, but a little odd

Summary: In a moment of frustration, Arthur threw a brick at the Junk Man, hitting him in the arm. Arthur expects to be sent to juvie. Luckily, the Junk Man speaks to the judge on his behalf and Arthur is sentenced to probation instead: 120 hours helping the Junk Man with his mysterious project. Arthur will be spending his weekend hunting for light bulbs, foil, mirrors, cardboard, coffee cans, glass bottles, and wood. He thinks the Junk Man is crazy. He's about to discover a much more amazing secret.

My Opinion: Initially, this is a rather odd, if charming, book. That oddness is softened when you learn that the Throne is a real piece of art. So, this seemingly bizarre concept has a root in reality. Is James and odd, perhaps mentally ill, character? Certainly, but that may well have been reality as well. I liked how working on the piece, and even more so finding the materials, was symbolic of Arthur's brokenness and search for meaning. Not the best book I've ever read and perhaps a hard sell to young readers but a nice story if you're willing to stick it out.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley.

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