
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

WWW Wednesdays

What are you currently reading?
Every Breath by Ellie Marney
When Rachel Watts moved to Melbourne and became friends with James Mycroft she never expected that the friendship would get her involved in a mystery. A late night visit to the Melbourne Zoo uncovers the body of Homeless Dave, an eccentric friend of Mycroft's who has been violently murdered. Mycroft's personal connection with the victim paired with his obsession with forensics draws them into the investigation. His extreme focus and lack of boundaries, paired with Rachel's willingness to follow him, gets them into trouble.
My fondness for retellings is no secret, so when I came across this modern reimagined Sherlock Holmes I knew I had to read it. It's a little darker than other recent retellings but I'm enjoying it so far, particularly the interplay between Mycroft and Watts.
What did you recently finish reading?
Centaur Rising by Jane Yolen
The night of the Perseid meteor shower Arianne spotted a strange ball of light in the fields around her family horse farm. A year later their pony gives birth to a baby centaur. The family must decide how to keep this strange creature safe without losing their farm. How long can they keep such a miraculous and magical being a secret? Especially when Arianne's little brother, a victim of Thalidomide related birth defects, forms a fast friendship with the centaur and their horse boarding clients are growing suspicious.
In tone, if not in plot, this book puts me in mind of A Wrinkle in Time. The magic and commonplace combine nicely, the presence of the centaur serving to bring to light the problems and issues their family is not facing. Yolen's writing is nearly flawless as always, her characters nuanced and likeable. 
What do you think you will read next?
Press Play by Eric Devine
A tale of self-esteem, hazing, and the choice to report an incident when it might cost everything you've been working toward. Not my usual choice of book but I've been trying read outside of my comfort zone.

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