Title: Leeva at Last
Author: Sara Pennypacker
Genre: humor
Similar books: Everything on a Waffle by Polly Horvath
Look Out for the Fitzgerald-Trouts by Esta Spalding
Summary (provided by publisher): What are people for?
That’s the burning question on the mind of Leeva Spayce Thornblossom.
Fame! says Leeva’s mom, the mayor of Nutsmore.
Money! says her dad, the town treasurer.
With the help of an orphaned badger, a risk-averse boy in a hazmat suit, and the town's librarians, Leeva sets off to discover her own answer—setting off a chain of events that will change Nutsmore forever.
My opinion: It is inevitable that this book will be compared to Matilda. The two books share the same bones, afterall. Both Matilda and Leeva are bright young girls, largely self-sufficient, who are caring and compassionate in spite of their terrible parents. Their encounters with kind townspeople allow them to bloom into more complete members of society. Pennypacker gives us a very different set of details than Dahl did and they work together just as well. At turns funny and charming, this is a pleasant read that may fit the modern sensibility a bit better than some of Roald Dahl's more dated ideas.
More information: Leeva at Last releases March 7.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley