Title: Leave it to Plum
Author: Matt Phelan
Genre: humor/early chapter book
Similar books: Sydney and Taylor by Jacqueline Davies
Horace and Bunwinkle by PJ Gardner
Summary (provided by publisher): Young Plum is one of the peacock ambassadors for the Athensville Zoo. Every day the peacocks are allowed to wander freely among the zoo’s visitors, delighting and guiding kids and grown-ups alike. The peacocks are very proud of their responsibility; none so much as kind, curious Plum.
But Itch the ningbing—a type of very small marsupial—doesn’t understand why those birdbrains should get so much freedom while he’s all cooped up. So he plots and plots, sure that he will escape and become the zoo ambassador!
My opinion: The story here is an easy one to follow. The writing is sparse and efficient without becoming dull and is well supported by charming illustrations. And Plum is a charming character. He's irrepressible and enthusiastic, thinking outside the box. These traits make it easy for him to get into and out of trouble. This will be a solid choice for young readers fond of animal stories.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley