Title: The Heist Age
Author: Doug Paleo
Genre: humor/graphic novel
Similar books: Investigators by John Green
Didi Dodo series by Tom Angleberger
Summary (provided by publisher): Dinotown is under attack! In this adventure, the Dinomighties face new icy villains led by Bully Mammoth. This colossal meanie will stop at nothing to get his grubby tusks on the world's most valuable painting: the Dino Lisa . . . even if it means putting a deep freeze on Dinotown. How will the Dinomighties heat things up in order to outsmart and ice out Bully and his big bad crew of furry doofs and manage to save their hometown along with the most precious piece of art in the whole wide world?
My opinion: A funny story with dinosaur secret agents? Talk about a guaranteed win with the average kid. Obviously, we're not meant to take this very seriously, which is a good thing since the plot logic is a bit thin. But it's easy to follow, easily read by a newly independent reader, and not too obnoxious for a parent reading along.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley