Author: Dave Franchini
Genre: fantasy graphic novel
Similar books: Crystal Cadets by Anne Toole
Gillbert the Little Merman by Art Baltazar
not what I'd hoped it would be |
Summary (provided by publisher): When the kingdom is under attack who do we turn to? The king and his guards? A knight of myth and legend? Or the prophesized, chosen Princess Ninjas who battle evil and will save the day? I think we all know who!
Working together to protect their home, adopted sisters Bridget, Megan, and Elyce along with their sidekick Turtle-Bear, will find out that being a ninja isn't all about sticking to shadows, magic, and cool karate moves. Sometimes it's about honor, loyalty, and finding out what being a family truly means.
My opinion: I like the concept here, girls being able to be princesses and warriors at the same time. That liking something "girly" doesn't have to mean that you're soft and fragile and useless. It also makes the point that they're all princess warriors but still have different interests, that people are complex. The plot, though, is fairly contrived. We have the leaders of a country raising the orphaned children of warring factions in the name of peace, not to mention magic and a dark sorcerer lurking in swamps and dungeons out to take all of the magic for himself. Add in stiff dialogue and indistinct character voices and it simply isn't a compelling read.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley