Title: The Ghost and Max Monroe: Case #1 The Magic Box
Author: L.M. Falcone
Genre: Mystery
Similar books: Cam Jansen series by David Adler
A to Z Mysteries series by Ron Roy
Super sleuthy |
Summary: Max is looking forward to spending the summer with his Grandpa. He expects to spend a great deal of time lying around reading mystery stories. He is startled to discover a run-down detective agency in Grandpa Harry's back yard - a detective agency still inhabited by the ghost of Great Uncle Larry. When Larry gets a case, it is up to to Max to solve it.
My opinion: This looks like it is going to be a really nice beginning detective series. It has simple, easy to understand text supported by a handful of drawings. As a mystery, it follows basic logic and simple deductive reasoning. Max identifies who might have had motive, what clues are relevant, etc. Plus there is the addition of a ghost who is perhaps overly emotional and not a very good detective. Larry is certainly entertaining. Falcone even provides a logical explanation for why only certain people can see Larry. This will be a good series for most kids just starting to read chapter books independently, not to mention budding detectives.
More information: The Magic Box releases September 1st.
Advanced Reader Copy provided by NetGalley